Audiences across the world enjoy various concerts through the year, each one different and unique. Most of them are either solo performances or in groups of about 4-6 members. In case of groups, you will see a drummer, guitarist, vocalist and one who melts out beautiful tunes on the viola. Yes, you read it right; it is the viola and not violin. This is also a stringed instrument which is bowed very much like the violin. A person unfamiliar with this instrument might mistake it for the violin at first glance going by its size and near similar pitch range, but will realize it is very different upon close inspection. The timbre is much fuller bodied and is used to play soft harmonies in concerts. Unfortunately, there are not many violists as there are violinists. At times referred to as the big fiddle, the violas parallel the alto voice in a choir group.
Violas are also
placed with a bow where the instrument is placed on the shoulder, which gets
people more confused. If a child is playing the instrument, the size of the
viola would be around 12 inches and for adults it could go anywhere from 13 to
16.5 inches depending on their comfort level and their years of experience. Off
late, with people facing problems in holding and playing the viola, there are
some being made using lighter material and are much shorter. Some are
manufactured with a shoulder cut while others come with an additional bout for
comfort. Because of its large body, it needs higher amounts of physical stamina
to hold and play this string instrument. For a person interested in playing the
viola, they need to understand that since it is fitted with thicker strings,
they will have to apply extra pressure to get music to come out perfectly.
There are different
kinds of violas, based on a person’s level of experience and while making a
selection, this factor should be kept in mind else the viola player will find
it difficult strumming it. But the
beauty of this instrument is that all are handmade and each one is exquisite to
look at and play. Among the most famous violas are the ones that Mozart used in
his musical notes. He wrote quintets that used two violas in the orchestra and
had as important role as a violin.
If you are looking
at purchasing a viola, unlike earlier when you had to make a trip to their
nearby store to take a look at all the instruments, today you can do the same
online. The purchase or rentals come with the assurance that they can return
the product if unhappy with it. Simply approach one of the leading websites,
such as stringworks. So, if you are just getting curious about the violas and
are not very keen on purchasing, but would like to try your hand at it, no
better way but to rent a viola and watch your hands create music."