Should I Look for Financing Before I Make A Major Purchase?

 Yes. Get your financing before you start shopping for a home, vehicle or other major purchase.  By doing this beforehand you’ll save yourself lots of money! Not only that, you’ll be in a great position to negotiate your purchase with the seller.  There are so many ways that you can shop for your financing these days.  Here are some tips and information to assist you with finding out where you can start looking for your financing needs: 


1) Using the internet is a great way to do research on your financing.  The internet provides you with an array of financing options to choose from.  You get to check on what company provides you with the best interest rate for your needs.  You’ll even find financing options you didn’t even realize are available to you.


2) Your own bank.  Go to your bank and apply for the financing you need.  Get pre-approved for your loan prior to making your purchase.  What better place to secure your financing than your own bank! You’re banking with them so why not consider giving them the opportunity to help you with your major purchase.  Just make sure the interest rate their charging you is a good one!


3) Consider credit union financing.  Sometimes you’ll find lower interest rates for that major purchase you’re trying to make via a credit union.  Credit unions are also competing for your business as well and have become major players in the financial world these days.  This is good, because you have another outlet to secure your financing from.


4) Check your local newspaper, phone book and other media sources for prospective companies that provide financing that you may consider using.


5) As a last resort, consider using the seller’s financing provided.  The seller may have competitive interest rates you may be interested in applying for to make the major purchase you’re interested in.


So, as you can see, there are several financing options available to you to secure your financing before you make your major purchase! You’ll have the edge on your seller when you’re getting ready to make your purchase.  Yes, that’s right! You can negotiate how much you’re paying for that home, vehicle or other major purchase before you sign on the dotted line.  You’re in the driver’s seat because you have your money already, remember you’re already pre-approved! So, let the negotiations for your major purchase begin!

Disclaimer: This article is presented solely as an example and is not meant to replace qualified financial advice. If you or someone you know require up to date financial or legal help, seek qualified assistance. No content on this site should ever be used as a substitute for direct legal counsel from your lawyer or a qualified attorney.
