Politics - a word detested by most of the common people. To an ordinary person, politics is a synonym to corruption, misuse of power, money laundering and other malpractices. Politics has earned such a bad name for itself everywhere, that even the most honest political leader is looked upon with suspicion. Elections come and go. Majority of the populace does not bother to vote. They know, once elected a candidate forgets his electorate and runs after money and power. But these elected leaders can play havoc or bring peace and prosperity in the society. It depends on both their decisions and participation of people. It is true that political decisions and activities affect all aspects of people's lives. But is it really unfortunate?
Right from start of
elections, candidates go on talking glibly about their plans to work for the
benefit of all. They give speeches, hold rallies, fund raisers and waste
precious money and time- just for power. It's after they are elected, their
ambiguous talk is exposed. Elected representatives often get portfolios for
which they are totally unqualified. Imagine an illiterate politician becoming a
minister for education. Hard to believe but is commonplace in many backward
countries. Such a man will be totally incompetent for office and may end up
spoiling the education system. The common man won't be able to do a thing
except watching promising careers and dreams fade away into oblivion.
It's nothing new
that money gets decisions reversed. Bribe more than your adversaries and the
decision or policy will be in your favour. Cigarette and liquor companies with
backing of billions of dollars put public health on the path of deterioration.
The governments do nothing. This was brought to light after so many years when
a big tobacco companies were ordered by the American courts to dole out
billions of dollars to people suffering from diseases acquired by smoking. Construction
companies cut off trees in hundreds and thousands to build new towers and
buildings. All with no objections from the government. The environment suffers.
In most cases
common people get most affected while not even being fully aware of the reasons.
That’s the whole irony of it. Most decisions and policies get formed without
the peoples say. They are helpless watchers of the whole game.