For some individuals, having to write a simple note or even a short email can be a daunting task. For still others learning disabilities impair their ability when it comes to spelling.
However, whatever
the reason, much improvement can be made if one takes the time to practice
spelling. Even as adults, there are some who have great difficulty when it
comes to spelling.
More than likely,
there are certain words in particular, that present a challenge when it comes
to spelling. If lists of these problem words are made, a friend can be asked to
do pop quizzes throughout the week, to assist the individual having difficulty.
It can even become
a game, and the whole family can get involved and practice spelling as a sort
of sport.
So too, a good way
to practice spelling is to write out the problem words on pieces of paper and
stick them up around the house or office area.
That way, by seeing
the words spelt correctly, those having difficulty can resort to their memory
of seeing the word written out, and thereby overcome their difficulty with
spelling the actual word.
There are also
online spelling tests that can be used to practice spelling. Some of these
tests will also keep track of words that have given some difficulty and pop
quizzes will be provided along the way.
For words that are
especially difficult, one can even resort to writing lines. By writing the
problem words out over and over, the proper spelling can be imprinted on the
mind. This is another good way to practice spelling.
For individuals who
work in the medical field, knowledge of medical terminology is often required.
This is another situation where practice makes perfect.
A family member or
a friend can be very helpful in assisting the individual to practice spelling
the most difficult words, or the individual can practice the words themselves
by recording their own voice saying each word and then playing it back and
trying to spell each term correctly.
With spelling the key
to accuracy really is practice and any difficulty can be overcome if enough
time is spent working on it.
Unfortunately, many
young people come out of school barely being able to read, so it's not
surprising that accurate spelling can be such an issue for so many. But with
diligence and hard work this problem can be overcome.