Every single day of our life we are interacting with a lot
of people. People whom we know or maybe we just met for the first time.
Some of them are positive, optimist kind of people; others
can be in bad moods, nervous crying or screaming for no reason at everyone they
met. Others are suspicious all the time and doubt every single word you are
saying. All of them can influence our mood, our day and even our life if we let
them do it.
The same thing is happening when you are meeting people
You can meet here thousands of people. This is a good thing
just because your chances to find a compatible person to talk to are unlimited.
But until you find that special one, you’re supposed to talk
and interact with dumb, desperate, sad, nervous or not too serious people. If
you spend too much time with an inappropriate person, it can have some bad
influence on you and your mood.
It is important to know to sort people you are talking to
online. If you realize that the person you started to talk to is annoying you
somehow, just say that an old friend of yours is now online and that you want
to discuss with him, or just say Good Bye.
Another fact I have noticed is that all of us are tempted to discuss
our problems with unknown people because we know that they can’t tell our problems
to all of our friends.
A wise person once said: "Anyone will give you an
advice but nobody is going to give you a slice of bread when you most need
it." This saying means to say that to talk is easy and everybody is happy
to tell you his/her opinion even for the conversation’s sake but this doesn't
mean that they are really good friends and could be superficial or not very
good intended.
Some of them are telling you that what you are doing is not
a good thing because you going to lose or you will suffer in the future or others
try to sell you all kinds of recipes meant to solve your problems.
The idea is that if we are paying attention to everyone
around us, they can influence our life in a dramatic way. I am saying this
because no one can know better than us what is happening in our lives and in our
soul. Nobody can know better than us what we really want to have, what is missing,
or where we want to be in our life.
Be precarious, listen to advice but do not pay too much
attention and be the master of your life and the captain of your own ship.