A marathon is the ultimate dream for many runners. People
who have been running for years and some that have never run a day in their
life love the idea of finishing a marathon. There seems to be something magical
about the concept of a marathon, almost as if it seems super-human to compete
in one or even to complete one.
Have you been pondering the idea of running a marathon for
fun or for competition? If so, you must know that it takes months of hard and
consistent preparation before the dream can become a reality because a marathon
is no walk in the park.
One of the best strategies for making the dream of a
marathon possible for you is to find a partner. Talk to your friends and find
someone who is willing to begin the journey of marathon training with you.
Figure out a way to mesh your schedules so that you can train together, at
least on your long runs. You've heard it said that 'no man is an island,' and
that concept it certainly true when it comes to preparing for your first marathon.
Most people last a few weeks at best when they have no one to train with and no
one to hold them accountable as the training schedule becomes more intense.
Once you've found the perfect marathon partner you should
also take time to research the best training schedule for your time, needs and
running goals. Getting on a specific schedule for marathon training will
prevent you from overworking yourself or underworking yourself. It is no easy
thing to get your body in shape for a twenty-six-mile run, so make it a
priority to find a schedule and then stick to it.
Talk to your physician about your dream of running a
marathon. It is never a bad idea to check with a healthcare professional for
any warnings or advice. See if your physician has any suggestions for ways to
supplement your training with adjustments to your eating or sleeping habits.
Proper eating and sleeping will only benefit the physical training you do to
prepare for the marathon.
Running a marathon is something that many people dream about
but far fewer people actually accomplish it. With some careful planning and a
lot of dedication, you can be one of the few that makes the dream of running a
marathon a reality.