I am writing this article with no background whatsoever in its topic. I really have no idea what an email search really is and so in the next few paragraphs, I will consider what it could be as well as the utility of such a thing.
Email search… …well I guess it could be a new computer users search for the ever elusive email account of their own. But then again this person would literally have to be senseless because everyone and their brother is bombarded with offers for free email accounts from all manner of connections including your magazine subscription, your church, your school, your favourite restaurant etc. So if it is really someone looking for an inbox of their own it is more a “weed-out” than a search because you will do more turning down of offers than searching them out.
So what else could it be? Well here maybe is a more legitimate possibility, especially as the computer age completely overtakes us. Rather than doing a snail mail address search, or a phone number search, maybe an email search is the hunt that we all do when we want to contact somebody but don’t know how. I know for a fact that I find email way more convenient to use as a line of communication than the other two aforementioned modes and so if I wanted to make a connection with someone for some reason or other I may just get on the internet and look for a way to find their email address. In fact, I have done this many a time when searching for a way to get a hold of a classmate or a professor on my school’s web page.
An email search could also be an effort to locate talent, or a long lost or newly discovered relative, over the email. It could be the search for a lost email that wound up not getting to its intended recipient, it could be investigative work that is looking high and low for an email that contains something really incriminating. It could be a hunt for a list of potential customers for a certain product that will allow the salesman to carry out an email campaign to this list of a targeted audience so that he can increase his sales ratio. Couldn’t it?
Well, I am glad that this email search article is coming to a close because I am not sure that I could come up with any more possibilities for this elusive concept. And so with not really any sadness at all I will now give up and bring these sorry paragraphs to a close.
Email search… …well I guess it could be a new computer users search for the ever elusive email account of their own. But then again this person would literally have to be senseless because everyone and their brother is bombarded with offers for free email accounts from all manner of connections including your magazine subscription, your church, your school, your favourite restaurant etc. So if it is really someone looking for an inbox of their own it is more a “weed-out” than a search because you will do more turning down of offers than searching them out.
So what else could it be? Well here maybe is a more legitimate possibility, especially as the computer age completely overtakes us. Rather than doing a snail mail address search, or a phone number search, maybe an email search is the hunt that we all do when we want to contact somebody but don’t know how. I know for a fact that I find email way more convenient to use as a line of communication than the other two aforementioned modes and so if I wanted to make a connection with someone for some reason or other I may just get on the internet and look for a way to find their email address. In fact, I have done this many a time when searching for a way to get a hold of a classmate or a professor on my school’s web page.
An email search could also be an effort to locate talent, or a long lost or newly discovered relative, over the email. It could be the search for a lost email that wound up not getting to its intended recipient, it could be investigative work that is looking high and low for an email that contains something really incriminating. It could be a hunt for a list of potential customers for a certain product that will allow the salesman to carry out an email campaign to this list of a targeted audience so that he can increase his sales ratio. Couldn’t it?
Well, I am glad that this email search article is coming to a close because I am not sure that I could come up with any more possibilities for this elusive concept. And so with not really any sadness at all I will now give up and bring these sorry paragraphs to a close.